Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy Jig

This little piggy is glad to be home from the hospital!!

I'm home in bed and thankful for your prayers, calls, visits and cards. God continues to bless, especially in hearing from friends that I haven't heard from in years - Rachel, Joyce, and others. It's good to talk to you again; once I get online, I'll be writing. Right now my secretary, Stephanie, is filling in for me. Isaiah 43:1-3 is so true - God has been through the fire, through the storm; and He has been RIGHT there. I'll write again soon.

Love you all. And again, thank you for your prayers, they have sustained me.

Love Wanda

Yes, My Mommy Is BACK!!! She was discharged today with all things in good measure and medications adjusted. She must continue with follow up blood work to make sure things stay that way. Angele, Lynette and Avery have joined us in Mansfield for the night, so I'm gonna keep this short to go and enjoy having her home!!

Thank you for EVERYTHING!!! We will keep you up to date with our progression!

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