Thursday, August 28, 2008

Movin' On Up

Praise the Lord. Our mom is now out of Heart Failure ICU and in a "regular" room in the Heart Center at the Cleveland Clinic. She has a corner room with plenty of windows and she's by herself so her grandbabies (Olivia & Avery) can come to visit and not disturb anyone! Here is her phone number and address if you'd like to send a card. She'll most likely be in through the weekend and depending on the infection, they will decide if they need to change her hickman (sp) cath. If they have to do that, she'll be in another week.

216-444-1466 Her direct number at the Cleveland Clinic

When she's released, she'll be staying with Stephanie. You can mail cards to her at
Wanda Carter
1265 Wittmer Road
Mansfield, OH 44903
This way, regardless of when she is released from the hospital, she'll be sure to get the card.

God is good. We'll post more later, I just wanted to get this on before I leave work at 3 and head to the hospital.


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